Carry-On Essentials: What To Pack In Your Carry-On Bag For 2022

The past two years have been strange, to say the least. International travel literally came to a full-blown stop.

We’ve had to get used to wearing face masks, being temperature checked in various establishments and booking the perfect staycation spot.

But now, as we head into the year 2022, travel abroad is back up and running again! So what should you be packing in your carry-on bag for 2022 besides the face mask?

Here are a few recommendations on what to pack in your carry-on bag!



First on the list should be the important bits! It’s always annoyingly stressful having to dig around in your bag last minute. So why not save yourself the hassle and find yourself a cute little organiser case to carry the following:

Covid checks for travel


Flight details

Hotel details

Pen for arrival cards etc



Some airlines do not provide televisions or if they do, they can be placed in the aisles rather than the headrests. So save yourself the boredom of staring into space and pack the following:


Phone/iPod/music device

Laptop/iPad for downloaded entertainment & work


Chargers & the appropriate adapters

Portable charging device   



Long-haul flights can leave you feeling a little frazzled, so why not freshen yourself up and feel your best by packing the following:

A reusable clear case for your bits!

Toothbrush & toothpaste 


Biodegradable face & body wipes

Earplugs & sleeping mask for undisturbed rest 

Medication, sanitary products (if need be)

Reusable silicone travel bottles for moisturiser etc

Hand sanitiser & deodorant



A few other items worth mentioning for your flight:

Thin clothing layers

Travel pillow for maximum comfort

Fresh underwear, just in case! 

Reusable water bottle (foldable is a bonus)

Snacks e.g. nuts, granola bars 

Of course, not all these recommendations will apply to everyone but it gives you a good idea of what to prepare and make your flight the best it can be.

Sit back, relax and don’t forget your mask!


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