5 Ways to Welcome the New Moon
For us on Earth, we only have one natural satellite - the moon. I find it fascinating that no matter where you are in the world you can always see the moon but you’ll see a different side of it each time. Sometimes it’ll be bigger, sometimes smaller but it’ll always be beautiful and filled with different shades of grey. Due to the moon’s gravitational pull, our oceans are greatly affected by the moon. Some people (especially Cancerian sun signs like myself) swear their emotions are ruled by the moon. I mean, humans are made up of approximately 60% water so it’s worth thinking about, right? Others say they struggle to sleep over a New or Full Moon period or even suffer from nightmares.
Just as there are many cultures and religions throughout the world, there are many different lunar deities too. Actually, whilst living in New Zealand, I once heard a Maori story about a lady trapped in the moon. Her name was Rona and after cursing the moon one night, she was taken up into the sky where she fell in love with Marama, the Moon God. She was gifted with a cloak of stars and became the ruler of the tides. Some say you can even see her up there, standing next to a tree, looking down on what was once her home.
Welcoming the New Moon is such a magical experience for me, so much so that I’ve come to perform routine rituals every time there’s a New Moon. Personally, I use it as a time to self care, to align my chakras and connect with my inner self. It’s the perfect time to have some space, quieten my ever over-analytical mind and restore peace to my heart. I love the idea that the Moon is a woman and so I often talk to the Goddess of The Moon during my rituals.
Here are 5 ritual ideas for you to help welcome in the New Moon!
Candles & Intentions
This ritual is very simple, yet super powerful. All you need is a candle or two (colours that align with your needs, if possible) and some paper on hand. Write a list of intentions, things you want to let go of or things you want to attract, down on a piece of paper and light your candles. You can be outside underneath the moon herself or if you have an altar, just position yourself comfortably, feel peaceful and connect with yourself in your sacred space. Fire is known to help open your pineal gland (third eye), so have a little stare into your candle flame, read your intentions, then either blow out the candle to seal your intent or (providing you’re in a safe space) set your list alight and watch the negativity burn away.
Charge Crystals
The New Moon is the perfect time to cleanse, charge and clear your crystals! This method will work for absolutely any crystal and all you need to do is leave them under the moon’s light for the entire night. The New Moon will work its magic by clearing away any lowered vibes and negative energies, leaving your crystals to restore themselves to their natural state. The Moon’s energy will literally charge up your crystals and fill them with refreshing and renewed positivity, ready to do their jobs all over again.
I’m sure you know all about the benefits of meditation but did you know, it’s extra beneficial to meditate under the New Moon? It takes time but with a little perseverance, truly anybody can learn to meditate. Set an intention for your practice, sit or lay comfortably and focus on your breath. If you have an overactive brain, like mine, you’ll probably find your thoughts running away with you on a tangent. As soon as you realise, just gently bring yourself back to your breath. There are so many mediation guides available on certain apps, YouTube or even podcasts these days. Try meditating under the New Moon and bring yourself back to alignment once again.
For this one, you’re going to need some sage or even some incense if you have any. All you need to do is light your sage stick and let the smoke work its way through the air. Sage is a wonderful earthy tool, full of antioxidants and a proven way to clear your space of any negative and unwanted energy. If you feel any bad vibes, or have been suffering lately, mentally or otherwise, the sage will help to clear everything out and leave your space feeling refreshed, new and homely once again. You can speak your intentions into the air as the smoke moves throughout the room or speak to the Moon Goddess herself! She’ll definitely hear you.
Journaling Manifestations
This is one of my absolute favourite rituals to do on a New Moon, Full Moon, any moon actually. Probably because it involves writing! I have a dedicated journal for this but it doesn’t have to be, it can be written on your laptop or just a piece of paper if you’d prefer. All you need to do is write out what you would like to manifest in this world. It helps to write in present/past tense as if what you’ve asked for is already happening/has already happened e.g. Money comes to me easily and regularly. I have this amount in my bank account right now. I am able to pay all my bills, treat myself to new clothes and go on exotic holidays. Thank you for the money that continues to come my way.
Be sure to say thank you, after all, those with gratitude are those who are the happiest and most blessed in life.
Feel free to pick and choose, mix the rituals up or even do all 5!
Each one, whether together or separate will make for a wonderful and magical way of welcoming in the New Moon.