What To Pack for South East Asia

Your holiday is coming up and you’re clueless about what to pack. We’ve all been there, trust me, I get it!

South East Asia, for the most part, tends to have a hot climate, so whether you’re travelling for a few weeks or a few months, it's best to be prepared!

Hopefully, the following ideas can help you wave the stress of packing goodbye! 


Less is definitely more and unless you’re being ferried from hotel to hotel, a suitcase is just not going to work. Try and invest in a decent backpack or lightweight carry case instead. You can thank me later! 


Firstly, check what season you’ll be travelling in but definitely be prepared to feel HOT!

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, if you’re too hot then you’re bound to feel uncomfortable!

Unless you’re planning to travel long enough to get used to the heat and acclimatise, you can leave the heavy-duty wear at home! (jeans, jumpers, hoodies, knitwear etc.)

Instead, you’ll want lighter clothing that allows your skin to breathe and helps to cool you down. I’d suggest cotton T-shirts (be wary of white, it may look good but it’ll get filthy pretty quickly) lightweight blouses/shirts, linen shorts and trousers, hippy trousers if you’re in backpacker mode, denim shorts, light flowy skirts, lightweight breathable dresses etc.

Remember ladies and gentlemen, most South Eastern countries are Buddhist, so be sure to pack the appropriate temple wear (covering the shoulders and knees) or be prepared to rent from the sellers outside.


Pretty much every hotel, hostel or town you visit will have a laundry service. It’s super cheap and everything will be washed, dried and packed away neatly so I wouldn't bother with packing loads and loads of underwear.

Or if you’re like me and can’t actually afford the laundry at some point (it happens!!) just take it in the shower with you, give it a good scrub and leave them somewhere to dry! 


Obviously, for pool sessions and beach days, you can wear pretty much anything you want but for general day/evening wear, please be sensible and put some more respectable clothes on! 


Ok, when you think of what shoes to pack for a hot country you automatically think of flip flops or sandals, right? Well, for South East Asia you’ll need some decent walking shoes too.

Think about what kind of activities you’ll be doing and try to pack appropriately because you don’t really want to be lugging around a million different styles of shoes everywhere you go! Unless someone is doing it for you I guess!

I spent my days in Vans and flip flops. I didn’t do any hardcore trekking through the mountains but if that’s on your itinerary then maybe invest in some decent worn-in walking shoes.

And if you’re not slumming it like I was, then pack some suitable evening shoes too for those well deserved nights out. Keep it light people! 


In this digital age, pretty much everyone is their own personal photographer and it makes sense to document your travels and take photos. If you’re an avid photographer, be sure to pack everything you could possibly need for decent shots.

If you’re a novice like me and post everything directly to social media, then I’m sure your phone will be enough.

Just remember the appropriate cable leads, adapters, portable chargers etc. Whilst we are on that note, it’s worthwhile packing a book if you have space, or an electronic reader and some earphones/headphones because most journeys will be long and you’ll need some kind of stimulation to get through it. 


Ok, let’s talk about hygiene. Ladies, make sure you have everything you need for that time of the month. Sanitary products are expensive and often very difficult to come across, I’d suggest investing in a silicone menstrual cup and some washable sanitary cloths. It’ll save you both time and energy for having to hunt down any products for those unexpected moments, as well as helping the environment. 

Shampoos, conditioners, soaps etc can all be bought for relatively cheap prices. Of course, if you have your favourites and are headed to the middle of nowhere with space in your bag, then why not? But overall, anything you don’t pack will surely be available somewhere! If you’re not willing to buy, help the environment and grab yourself some shampoo, conditioner & soap bars. They last twice as long and take up far less space. 

Can I also suggest some reef-safe suncream? Suncream, in general, can be quite expensive in South East Asia so if you’re going to bring some, why not make it environmentally friendly? 


Ok ladies honestly, I wouldn’t bother packing things like electrical hair appliances at all. More often than not, if you have long hair you’ll just want to scrape it away from your face to save being hot! If you’re staying in a hotel you can always ask for a hairdryer and if you’re a backpacker I guarantee your hair will be the last thing you’ll be bothered about! However, If you really do want to keep up the maintenance (no shade!), you can always head to a salon. There are ridiculous amounts of massage shops and beauty salons available in South East Asia, the hard part will be choosing one! 

I’d keep the makeup light too, I personally don’t wear any but if you want to pack your makeup then go for it! Just make it easy for yourself and keep it light so the sweat doesn’t rub it off and you’re not having to go touch it up every few minutes. 

Don’t forget your glasses or contact lenses if you wear those, sunglasses, hand sanitiser and maybe a little first aid kit! 

Ok there we go, a general guide on What To Pack for South East Asia! If you need a more comprehensive checklist for backpacking specifically, let me know! 


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