Why Travel to New Zealand?

New Zealand - home to stunning green landscapes and snow-capped mountains. This beautiful country, hidden in the furthest corner of the world with a rich culture like no other, is most definitely a top travel destination!

But what is it that makes this country so special and why should you travel to New Zealand?

History & Culture

Aotearoa (the Maori name for New Zealand, meaning ‘long white cloud’) was first discovered by the indigenous people of Polynesia, who set off in waka hourua (voyaging canoes) in search of new lands. These people, the first settlers, were the Maori.

Maori culture, developing separately from other Polynesian cultures, is a fascinating one and can be explored all over New Zealand. Most tourists often flock to Rotorua to experience cultural shows or head straight down to Wellington to visit the famous Te Papa, Museum of New Zealand.

Pakeha (Europeans) didn’t arrive until much later, bringing the western culture with them but in 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed and the two cultures had to learn to co-exist together.

If you plan on visiting New Zealand then please do your research and learn the history of this beautiful country. Not all stories will be positive ones but personally, I think it's very important to try to understand the local culture wherever you go, whichever country you visit.



New Zealand’s scenery is what captured my attention most when first planning my trip. I don’t think anything can quite prepare you for the breathtakingly beautiful landscapes! Nature surrounds everything and everyone, quite remarkable for such a small country. New Zealand has everything from mirrored lakes, icy glaciers and snow-capped mountains to sunny beach views, rocky terrain and miles of untouched woodland. It can be glorious one minute then overcast the next - there’s a reason why they say you can experience all four seasons in a day!

Oh! And just an extra note - if you’re headed to Wellington during winter, forget the umbrella. It’ll soon become clear why!



New Zealand is definitely one to visit for all the thrill-seekers amongst us! It is a country full of adventure and has everything from hiking to bungee jumping. There are more relaxing activities like kayaking which you can do along the pleasant rivers and lakes, or there are more gutsy ones like skydiving out of a plane several feet high in the air. During my stay whilst living in Wellington, my friends and I would often enjoy weekly hikes, daily yoga and bouts of rock climbing. Whatever you want to do, New Zealand will provide it for you.


The People

The first thing that struck me about the people was how nice they were, I remember feeling at ease and valued whenever talking with them. Kiwi humour isn’t that dissimilar to U.K. humour, however the casual upfront lack of filter and being called a ‘pom’ would still throw me through a loop now and again! Something I loved to look out for would be the various road signs, both direct and casually insulting at the same time. Overall, it just seemed like New Zealand had much more freedom and far less competitiveness. The people are very environmentally conscious and the kids are free to be kids for much longer. I guarantee that if you ever need any help, someone will always be there to ask.

So there you go, just a few reasons why you should pack your bags and go explore the charming country of New Zealand!

When booking a trip here, I’d say it’s worthwhile spending at least three weeks minimum. Although the country may be small in size, there is an awful lot to experience and depending on where you’re flying from, a very long flight time too!


How I Started Travelling


Scotland Diary: Gairloch | Day One