7 Best Herbal Teas for Mental Health

Hands up, who loves a good old cup of steaming hot herbal tea?

I know that a lot of people turn their noses up at herbal tea (can’t even count the number of times I’ve heard ‘YUK!’ when I’ve said I’m drinking green tea) but trust me, they can work wonders! Especially, for your mental health. 

We all have days where we feel lacking in some area, we’re only human after all. Maybe it’s stress, maybe it’s anxiety or maybe you just can’t switch off at night. If there’s something in particular that you’re feeling that you can’t manage to shake, then a nice cup of hot herbal tea might just help you get back on your feet again.

Here are 7 of the Best Herbal Teas for Mental Health!


If you’re feeling a little stressed, suffering from procrastination or looking for a way to really kick your brain into high gear, try a cup of ginger tea. You know when you just really need to get something finished but you can’t focus properly? Well, this spicy tasting tea will help to cut through the clouds in your brain and sharpen it right up. Ginger is a great natural resource for many things but especially for alleviating stress!

Green Tea 

Green tea is a very popular choice among many tea lovers and for good reason! Having a cup of green tea first thing in the morning can help have you feeling good straight off the bat. It’ll help improve your mood, wake up your brain cells and have you feeling ultra energised, ready to take on the rest of your day. If you want to improve your memory, zero in and find focus, green tea will be your best friend. 



This herbal tea is best for the end of the day when your brain feels overloaded and you need to wind down. Lavender is a natural sedative, which is why a lot of people use lavender essential oils to help with insomnia. Drinking some mildly sweet lavender tea just before bed will help soothe your mind and encourage your body to relax in preparation for a well-rested, dreamless sleep. 


Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is another natural sedative that helps improve problematic sleep conditions. It is a very soothing herb that will help to settle your mind, especially if you are suffering from anxiety or nerves. This tea has a citrus kick and is best enjoyed at night before bed. For added relaxation, stir in some drops of valerian and try to allow your brain to switch off and drift into a peaceful sleep. 



If you’re suffering from a slight headache or have internal stress due to any digestive issues, then try drinking a cup of peppermint tea to help soothe the body. Peppermint tea actually contains many antibacterial properties including menthol, which is a brilliant stress reliever! Continue to drink this tea throughout the day and hopefully, you’ll be feeling much more like yourself in no time. 



Saffron tea is probably one of the best pick-me-ups throughout the whole herbal kingdom. It helps to produce serotonin and dopamine which are the happy chemicals in our brains! This helps to encourage feelings of overall happiness and positivity within ourselves! Saffron has actually been known to improve symptoms of depression in some cases and has often been compared to western antidepressant prescriptions. If you find that you’re feeling low and suffering from any form of negativity, then try sipping some saffron tea with a little added honey!



Much like saffron, turmeric also helps to produce serotonin and dopamine which helps encourage feelings of happiness, optimism and positivity! This spice can be used in many different ways and due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, is a great aid in both mental and physical health. It has even been used to help treat and prevent Alzheimer’s! So if you’re feeling low or in need of any inflammation relief, try boiling yourself a hot cup of turmeric tea and start raking in those benefits! 

Ok, so there we have it, 7 Best Herbal Teas for Mental Health!

I really hope you give some of these herbal teas a try, I’m off to make one now…


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