10 Ways to Cleanse Crystals

Crystals are a staple in my home…

Well, not just my home, in my bag, in my pocket, on my jewellery… basically anywhere I can keep them if I’m honest!

They’re beautiful, full of positive natural energy and very beneficial in soothing the mind (should probably add body and soul to that too).

Crystals are amazing but it’s important to know that they can only omit the best energy when they’re cleansed, charged and cleared. 

If you’re looking for some ways to cleanse your crystals and restore their energy back to ultimate health, then here are 10 ways you can do so!


Fresh Water

Fresh running water is a very good way to cleanse your crystals, just like how it cleanses our skin.

To neutralise any negative energy within the crystal, try placing it under the tap or take it with you into the shower.

If you’re lucky enough to be near a river or a lake, gently submerge the stone for at least a minute or 2.

This method works best for hard, solid crystals both raw and polished.

I wouldn’t use this method for softer, more brittle crystals as they could fall apart quite easily.


Salt Water

Salt is an extremely effective way to banish negativity.

Have you ever watched Hocus Pocus or The Craft? Do you remember them drawing lines on the floor with salt to ward off evil entities?

Well, cleansing your crystals in this way, is effectively the same thing. Just mix a bowl of water with some Himalayan salt, rock salt, sea salt or even table salt and leave your stones fully submerged for at least a few hours. If you’re lucky enough to live by the sea, I’d fill up a bottle with fresh saltwater, bring it home and do the same process.

Again, this method works best for hard, solid crystals both raw and polished that are non-porous but I would stay away from cleansing crystals that contain trace metals or are soft and brittle. 



We talk about grounding ourselves all the time, rooting ourselves to Mother Earth and letting her bloom through us. So why not do the same for your crystals?

Burying your crystals will help them to absorb Earth’s natural energetic properties in a gentle and calm environment. Just decide where you’d like to bury your stones and leave them in the ground (for at least a day) to reap the benefits of Mother Nature.

I wouldn’t separate the soil from the ground if possible (like when potting a plant), it’ll just detract away from the point of rooting the crystal. No soil? Feel free to use sand, clay or even brown rice instead.

Try not to use this method with crystals that contain iron. 



The Sun is our most powerful energy source and therefore brilliant in cleansing and charging, not only ourselves but also our crystals.

Try to capture the first light if possible or leave your crystal out at night in a safe, dry space to soak up the sun in the morning.

Some stones are not susceptible to sunlight as it can damage the colouring of the stone (here’s looking at you Amethyst) but this method usually works well with most tumbled stones. 



Personally, this is my favourite method of cleansing and I like to use it during my Full Moon and New Moon rituals.

All you need to do is to take your stones outside and place them underneath the Full and/or New Moon. The moon’s energy should infiltrate your crystals, cleansing them from the inside out and infusing them with powerful, natural energy.

If there is not a safe space outside to place your crystals then feel free to place them on the windowsill instead. Preferably where the moon’s light can come through the window.

This method can work for any crystal but try to remember to bring them inside in the morning just in case your chosen crystals are not susceptible to sunlight. 


Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is without a doubt, one of the best cleansing crystals within the whole Mineral Kingdom!

Whether you have a raw or polished, big or small Clear Quartz, simply place it next to your other crystals in a safe area for at least 24 hours and let it work its magic!

The Clear Quartz should absorb any surrounding negative energy from the other crystals. Which means it will need its own cleansing shortly after.

This method will work well for any stone in your collection that needs cleansing. 


Sage & Incense 

Sage is a very earthy and blessed plant, full to the brim of antioxidants and used as a herbal health aid.

Just as you can use sage to smudge your household and clear it of negativity, the same can be done for your crystals. Smudging your crystals will cleanse them of any unwanted energy and restore them to their natural state.

Simply light your sage stick and hold it in your non-dominant hand whilst using your dominant hand to submerge and move your crystal through the smoke for at least 40 seconds.

It’s best to have a fire-safe bowl on hand and to be in a safe, protected area. This method works with absolutely any crystal and if you don’t have any sage on hand, you can use incense sticks instead.  


Sound Vibrations 

Any crystal will benefit from the intricate vibrations of sound.

If you’ve ever experienced a sound bath or have benefited from sound healing yourself, then it’s not hard to imagine that your crystals will too.

I personally use a small set of Tibetan cymbals but singing bowls, tuning forks and purifying 432 Hz Angel music will work too. Try to keep the sound going for at least 5-10 minutes helping the sound to penetrate the crystal, restoring it to its natural state.

This method may work best for larger crystals that can’t be moved so easily. 


Meditation & Visualisation 

Not everybody can achieve a truly meditative state the first time, it is most definitely a practice. But once achieved, the benefits can be unbelievable. The same can be said for your crystals.

Just as you would when meditating for yourself, sit in a quiet space with your crystals in your hands and try to focus and centre your energy. Visualise a white, angelic light engulfing your stone, letting it grow in your hands and relieving it of any negative energy.

This method can be used for any crystal and can be done for as long as you like but ideally, you should know when it’s time to stop as you’ll be able to feel an energy shift within the crystal.



Lastly, I’d like to emphasise the benefits of breathwork.

Just as breathwork can be an effective healing aid within ourselves, it can also help cleanse, purify and restore your crystals too.

Just simply hold the crystal whilst inhaling deeply, then bring the crystal close and exhale short, forceful breaths directly onto the crystal.

This is a practice often used in yoga called Kapalabhati Pranayama, or ‘Breath of Fire’ and will bring the stone to its highest vibration. 30-40 seconds will do for each crystal you’d like to cleanse. 

There you go, 10 ways to powerfully cleanse your crystals!


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