My Top 5 Crystals for Manifestation

We all have dreams and goals that we would like to accomplish throughout our lives.

Whether it be big dreams such as securing that particular job you’ve wanted, a house you’ve been dreaming about or finding that one special person that you’re willing to spend the rest of your life with. Or even smaller dreams like being able to finally own those shoes you’ve been after or finding a parking space in a very busy car park.

Whatever it is that you’re hoping to bring towards you, crystals can be a great way of focusing your attention and manifesting those desires!

Here are my Top 5 Crystals for Manifestation…



Carnelian, nicknamed ‘The Artist’s Stone’ is the perfect choice for any singers or public speakers out there. By helping to clarify the voice, this stone brings courage, confidence and endurance. Carnelian has a wide range of healing properties and is used for various healing practises, so if you are looking to also manifest abundance in health then this stone will be the one for you!


Citrine is an amazing crystal for manifesting financial wealth, prosperity and success in your work-related endeavours! By welcoming in positive energy and enhancing mental awareness, this ‘Stone of Success’ will ignite the fire within and help you achieve your dreams. Carry some Citrine with you throughout your workday and let the crystal speak for itself. 


Green Jade

Green Jade is probably one of the more commonly known stones and is used in many cultures around the world, especially within China and New Zealand! Nicknamed ‘The Stone of Luck’, this gem does it exactly what it says on the tin! So if you’re trying to manifest a bit of all-rounded luck into your life, some added protection and maybe a bit more financial wealth then Green Jade will definitely help the process along. 


Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is one of my absolute favourite crystals and if you’ve read some of my previous posts then you’ll probably know this already! This crystal is nicknamed ‘The Stone of Opportunity’ and is said to hold a powerful punch of good luck! Use this crystal to increase creativity, release negativity and encourage the clearance of any energy blockages. Whatever opportunity it is you’d like to manifest, Green Aventurine will be sure to work its magic!


Smokey Quartz 

Smokey Quartz (or Smoky Quartz as it’s otherwise known) is nicknamed ‘The Stone of Power’. This crystal encourages you to come into alignment with your creative ideas and help them manifest into your physical reality. Usually, these darker coloured crystals provide bundles of protection and simulation in order for you to harness your individual power. If you’re feeling in need of extra empowerment right now, Smokey Quartz will aid in manifesting this. 

These 5 crystals are some of my favourites for overall manifestation and I do hope it's helped you somewhat.

Other crystals worth a mention are Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Obsidian and Pyrite.


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