My Top 5 Self-Care Reads

I love a lot of things in life and one that definitely tops the list for me is indulging in some well-deserved self-care! I’ve written a post about some self-care ideas before (which you can read here) but one of my absolute favourites is to settle down in a comfy spot and get lost in a good book! 

I’ve put together a shortlist of self-care/self-help/self-improvement books that I have really enjoyed over the last few years and I hope you will too!


Heart & Hustle

- Patricia Bright

I wanted to include this book because although it isn’t spiritually focused like a few of the others on this list - as you’ll soon find out - it is such an inspirational and motivational read!

If you don’t know who Patricia Bright is, she is an extremely successful entrepreneur, business owner, social media influencer and British Youtuber. With a professional background in financial consulting, Patricia really knows her stuff and her book proves that.

I honestly couldn’t put the book down once I’d started. Not only is she ridiculously relatable (she talks about her family struggles and working from the bottom upwards) but she’s also highly intelligent providing you with business strategies and ways to stay motivated to reach your goals.

I’ve taken a few pages out of her book (not literally) in regards to how I organise my blog and her tips have really helped. If you’re a bit of a procrastinator like myself, do yourself a favour and read ‘Heart & Hustle’ today! 


Girl on Fire

- Cara Alwill Leyba

This book was actually on the list of free titles with my monthly kindle subscription and I am so happy I took a chance on it!

Cara Alwill Leyba is a very successful entrepreneur, public speaker, life coach, podcast host and of course, author. She has a number of written titles under her name and I would seriously recommend them!

‘Girl on Fire’ is actually a follow up to her earlier successful book, ‘Girl Code’. It was such a huge hit that it was translated into several languages and became a bestseller around the world. ‘Girl on Fire’ is no different!

This book really spoke to me in terms of owning my own power, listening to my dreams and harnessing the courage to go for what I want. This new modern world is changing by the minute and if we want to succeed in life, we have to create and seize our own opportunities. This book will open your eyes and show you how! 


The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read

- Andrew Kap

Come on now, admit it, you've read ‘The Secret’ right? I feel like pretty much the whole world and its mother has read that book by now! I first read it when I was in my first year of music school and I won’t lie - I was captivated by it. The whole idea of the LOA (Law of Attraction) really spoke to me and I’ve continued the practice ever since.

‘The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read’ takes it to a whole new level in my opinion. This book actually tells you how to go about manifesting your desires rather than just telling you to think good thoughts all day (which is near impossible sometimes!).

This book actually delves deeper into your psyche, gives you practical tools in order to dedicate yourself to the practice and create the life you’ve always dreamt of.

With this book, the power is literally in your hands and you’ll never find yourself questioning if the LOA works ever again! 


The Power of Now

- Eckhart Tolle 

Another book a lot of people have heard of is this one, ‘The Power of Now’. This is one of the OG books for self-help and definitely deserves a mention.

For me, it’s a very New Age book that draws a lot of its material from spiritualism and a fair few religious outlooks too. In my opinion, the writing isn’t necessarily half as captivating as the subject but I love the constant reminder throughout the book of staying in the moment.

Eckhart Tolle is a highly respected spiritual teacher, worldwide best selling author and often features on Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul conversations podcast. His follow up book ‘A New Earth’ continues to make the best-seller list despite being published in 2005!

So if you’re looking for a way to improve your life spiritually, connect to the present moment and live the life you deserve - grab the ‘Power of Now’ and start implementing its teachings today. 


You Are a Badass

- Jen Sincero

Jen Sincero is an American bestselling author, success coach and motivational speaker.

I’ve only included the first part of ‘You Are a Badass’ as she actually has quite a few books under this title.

These books are more like how-to guides, filled with advice and short personal stories. Most how-to guides are normally pretty straight forward, lacking in relatability but Jen’s books are full of humour and attitude!

I have to say, these books won’t be for everyone. There are some sore spots in places and perhaps a little rushed in others but I think it depends on your style. I kind of enjoy the blunt, hard-hitting tone behind the words but yep, take it with a pinch of salt I guess!

If you want to try this series out, I’d start with ‘You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life’ and go from there. The self-help information isn’t groundbreaking or new by any means but the voice behind it is what makes this book work for me. 

Ok, there’s my top 5 for you! It could all change tomorrow though…

Hopefully, you’ll pick up a few of these or if you’ve read them already let me know what you thought!


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