How To Read Your Herbal Body Map
Before the days of Western medicine, humanity depended on nature.
Our ancestors relied on herbal medicine to cure various ailments, conditions and diseases. To put it simply, they would use plant medicines to improve their health and overall welfare.
Herbalism has roots in many different cultures and even today, people still choose to adopt indigenous and holistic approaches to improve their health.
Getting to know your body is extremely important. Unfortunately, some people only get to understand it later in life, if at all.
The next time you have a headache or sudden acne flare-up, why not try treating it naturally? This quick and easy guide below helps provide some useful remedies to read your herbal body map and understand your body the herbal way.
Lavender - Aids sleep
Ginkgo/Sage - Enhance Memory
St John’s Wort - Anti-depressant
Avena - Nervous Exhaustion
California Poppy - Anxiety/stress
Head and Throat
Chamomile - Soothes migraines
Lemon Balm - Tension headaches
Cinquefoil - Ulcers
Bilberry herb - Treats cataracts
Calamus - Gingivitis
Eucalyptus - Gum disease
Balm of Gilead - Soothes and disinfects mucous membranes, treats laryngitis
Blue mallow/Slippery Elm - Eases sore throat and treats coughs
Amla - Reduce Cholesterol
Annatto - Heartburn
Astralagus - Antioxident for Heart Disease
Boldo - Heartburn
Lemongrass - Expelling mucus
Alfalfa/Ginseng - Anti-asthmatic
Asafoetida - Asthma, bronchitis
Stomach and Digestion
Thyme - Removes mucus from the intestinal tract
Rosemary - Cures constipation
Oregano - Reduces gas
Mint - Calms stomach cramps
Dandelion root - Neutralises excess acids
Echinacea - Stimulates salvia, aids in digestion
Agrimony - Calms upset stomach
Arrowroot - Treats diarrohea
Avens - Calms gastric irritation
Bay leaves/Moringa - Soothes stomach ulcers
Galangal - Curbs motion sickness
Dandielion/Patchouli - Diuretic
Gravel root - Breaks down kidney stones
Ginger - Prevents cystic kidneys
Arrowroot/Barberry Bark - Urinary tract infections
Saw Palmetto - Prostate issues
Horsetail - Aids bladder control and strengthens bladder muscles
Aloe Vera - Soothes dry and sun-damaged skin
Lavender - Beneficial effects on skin diseases
Echinacea - Treats acne
Blue flag root - Treats psoriasis
Comfrey - Lessens scarring
Patchouli - Antiseptic
For more information on your Herbal Body Map, check out this brilliant ‘Herbal Body Map’ infographic created by Baldwins.
This post is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Baldwins, I just genuinely think it’s a great tool to use going forward in your health journey!