Top 5 Crystals for Meditation

Meditation, the art of achieving a clear, calm mental state. Training the mind to be more attentive, aware and still, especially during trying times.

meditation gong bath

Have you ever tried to meditate? I’ll be completely honest with you, I struggle with meditation big time. My mind wanders off before I’ve even had a chance to take my first deep breath! But there are some things that do help me get in the right frame of mind for meditation and I’m not talking about singing bowls, angelic music or guided meditations. I’m talking about crystals. 

Crystals, with their uniqueness and pure beauty, automatically help set the tone for my meditation practice session. Their abundance of positive energy and natural healing properties can help to raise the mind’s consciousness, deepen intuition and awareness. 


Here are my Top 5 Crystals for Meditation!



celestite crystal

This beautiful crystal is said to bring peace, harmony and purity of heart to any conflicting situation. A great teacher of trust within oneself and a magnet for good fortune, Celestite can also help awaken our minds to other realms of existence. 



angelite crystal

This crystal, which is actually a form of celestite, is said to help stimulate healing and promote peace and tranquillity. Use Angelite to enhance astrological understanding and raise your awareness of the beyond. 



raw labradorite crystal

Being one of the most mystical stones in the mineral kingdom, Labradorite helps to form a barrier between you and any negative forces. Use this crystal to release any fears, insecurities or bad energy within you and instead, bring your dreams and ultimate desires into reality. This crystal is extremely protective and only seeks to call to your highest good, making it the perfect choice for your meditation practice. 



azurite crystal

This crystal is said to raise your consciousness to even higher levels and is used to stimulate memory and the third eye. Use azurite to promote new perspectives, a clearer understanding of your situation and expand the mind to help release any communication blockages.



selenite crystal wand

Lastly, this beautiful crystal is often used as a purifying tool (think of Cinderella’s fairy godmother’s magic wand) to help cleanse and clear whilst smudging. Selenite is said to open channels, helping you to experience other worlds, other realms and enhance clarity within your space. 


Alright, here we are!
I hope you enjoyed this piece and consider using these crystals in your next meditation session!


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