Create Your Own Protection Jar

It’s difficult not letting negative energies impact us sometimes. We are all in need of a little grounding now and again.

So, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to help protect yourself against negative energies (and you’re partial to a little spell or two…) then this post is the one for you!

What you will need:

  • A glass mason jar

  • A black candle

  • Incense/sage

  • Smokey quartz, amethyst, black obsidian crystals

  • Bay leaves, cloves, salt, black pepper & chamomile 

  • A protection sigil, rune or written charm

Firstly, light the incense and black candle, then set them to the side.

Next, prepare your written charm or protection sigil. To create a sigil, all you need is a piece of plain paper and a black pen. You can search the internet for sigil examples or draw your own. 

If you have decided to write your own protection charm or spell, start reading this out loud whilst placing each ingredient into the jar. 

Let the candle burn throughout the entire process and once finished, either let the candle burn on its own (straight down to the end) to seal your intention or blow the candle out.

You can repeat the steps each night until the candle is completely burnt out.

I hope you enjoy making your own Protection Jar!


I just want to say that this Protection Jar is meant to be a bit of light-hearted, witchy, magical fun but of course, the most important ingredient to this is your own positive thinking. If you tell yourself that you are protected already and that you’re grateful for it, then you’ll attract it sooner than you think. 


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