The Benefits of Water Fasting and My Water Fasting Experiment
Note: Originally written and started at the end of March 2021 and updated throughout the experiment.
I have been ill three times this year, one of those times being Covid, and it’s only March! So after a little research and feeling the need to detox my immune system, I have decided to partake in a three-day fast.
I have attempted a seven day fast before, for exactly the same reason, but quit on day three due to personal conflict and for my own mental health. Just from those three days though, I certainly noticed some changes. So, now that I feel stronger within myself and more health-focused than ever, here we are again!
Ok, I know you’re probably eye-rolling me right now and I can just imagine what you’re saying, ‘how can starving yourself be good for you?’ I hear you and to be completely honest before I attempted my first fast I would be lying if I said I didn’t think the same thing. However, there really are benefits to this and I’ve got the science to back it up!
Promotes Autophagy
Autophagy is where old cells are broken down and recycled, preventing damaged cells from multiplying. Certain scientific studies show that the process of autophagy helps people to have a better quality of life, live much longer in general and protect the human body against certain diseases, e.g. cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Studies have been carried out relating to the connection between longer periods of water fasting and blood pressure in which 82% of people saw their blood pressure fall to healthy levels during a 14-day fasting period. In another session, 174 people participated in a 10 day fast, in which 90% achieved lower blood pressure.
Lowers Obesity Risk
In our bodies, we have two hormones that affect the metabolism, insulin and leptin. Insulin helps regulate blood sugar levels within the body and leptin helps us to feel full. Water fasting is known to make the body more sensitive to these hormones, which may help to make them more effective therefore lowers the risk of obesity.
Improves Health
Water fasting has been linked to improving health in various ways but one of the most poignant findings is the fact that fasting may help lower the risk of chronic diseases, e.g. cancer, diabetes, heart disease. By reducing the number of free radicals in the system, fasting helps to reduce the risk of damage that these molecules can cause.
The Experiment
For my sanity during this experiment, I have allowed myself to drink something other than plain water. I’ve allowed myself one, maybe two, cup(s) of black coffee with no sugars or sweeteners a day, and non-calorie herbal tea.
I have also allowed myself to add a slice of lemon and/or cucumber to my iced water for flavouring only and to save myself from potential cravings.
The rules for the next three days:
Drink only water, non-calorie herbal tea and black coffee
No food allowed
Day One - Wednesday 31st March 2021
I woke up at roughly 5 am, caught up on a little bit of Below Deck (seriously considering life at sea as a yachty) whilst drinking my first cup of hot black coffee.
After a quick shower, I filled my 750ml stainless steel reusable bottle with some fresh, cold water before settling down at my desk to start work.
Before I knew it, lunch had come and gone with no cravings whatsoever but as soon as the clock hit 6pm - the hunger pangs began. At the moment, I don’t live alone, which makes things a lot more difficult due to the fact I can smell cooked food. This is when I decided to make green tea and disappear away from temptation for the rest of the evening! Just me and my water bottle.
Day One - done
Day Two - Thursday 1st April 2021
I woke up hungry. HUNGRY.
But before I could let myself dwell on it, I made a cup of black coffee, wolfed it down and started sipping my water. The hunger pangs soon disappeared and once again, I found myself looking at the clock and noticing that the afternoon hit me quicker than I expected it to.
Today was a lot easier than yesterday concerning dinner.
I had already stocked myself up on herbal tea, a new bottle of water and a separate glass of iced water. I went to bed with no hunger pangs and no thoughts of food.
Day Three - Friday 2nd April 2021
The final day! As always, I started the day with a fresh cup of black coffee before moving on to iced water. The day went by as quickly as ever and I didn’t feel hungry until around 4 pm.
All of a sudden, I had immense cravings for bread. Then cheese. Then cake.
So I went for a walk. I had to get away from the house.
When I returned I felt a lot better albeit deeply thirsty. So with another bottle freshly made and 2 cups of herbal tea… that was my evening.
The Results
At the end of this experiment, I found myself feeling detoxed. Cleaner. Lighter.
My stomach has flattened a little bit, my jeans feel a tiny bit looser and my skin feels fresh. I was hoping my eyes might shine a little brighter but they pretty much look the same…
I don’t know if my insides benefited from this or not but I do know I would try this again. Possibly for a bit longer.
My head feels clear and I’m proud of my willpower but I’m ready to eat again and savour those flavours!