What To Pack for New Zealand

Without a doubt, New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever had the pleasure of living in! You can scour the internet for hours looking for information on where to go, where to stay, what to do… but what on earth do you pack?

Whether you’re visiting for weeks, months or years, you will want to be prepared for the New Zealand seasons! Trust me, this is probably one of the only countries I’ve been to where the weather changes multiple times a day. 

Hopefully, the following ideas will help you out with what to pack when visiting New Zealand. 


To be honest, this only really matters if you’re backpacking. For a holiday, it’s up to you what type of luggage you use but for backpackers, I’d definitely suggest a sturdy and reliable backpack. You may be catching many busses and staying in several hostels, so your backpack will literally be your life. Travelling can certainly take it out of you, so pack light! 


In New Zealand, you need to be prepared for all weather. It doesn’t matter whether it’s spring, summer or winter, it can all change in an instant. You’ll mostly want a few lightweight items (cotton t-shirts, leggings, thin jumpers, packable raincoat and perhaps some thermals for winter down south) but a pair of good quality jeans wouldn’t go amiss. The best advice I can give you is to think like a minimalist, less is more! One dress, one swimsuit, one of everything basically and if you hardly wear it at home, you definitely won’t be wearing it here! Working holiday visa holders, if you’re planning on finding office work like I did, don’t forget an interview outfit. Either bring a multipurpose shirt or just browse the local op shops.  


Stick to one pair of comfortable trainers and if you plan on doing any hardcore hiking, it’s up to you to decide if you want to take a pair of well worn-in walking boots. I’d suggest some flip flops for the hostel, especially for the bathrooms and again, if you’re looking for office work, you’ll want some smart-ish shoes for that too. You can definitely find some cheap shoes in New Zealand so I wouldn’t focus on this too much. 


In this digital age, pretty much everyone is their own personal photographer and it makes sense to document your travels and take photos. If you’re an avid photographer, be sure to pack everything you could possibly need for decent shots. If you’re a novice like me and post everything directly to social media, then I’m sure your phone will be enough. Just remember the appropriate cable leads, adapters, portable chargers etc. Whilst we are on that note, it’s worthwhile packing a book if you have space, or an electronic reader and some earphones/headphones because some journeys will be LONG and you’ll need some kind of stimulation to get through it. 


Ok, let’s talk about hygiene. Ladies, make sure you have everything you need for ‘that time of the month’. Although sanitary products are not hard to find in New Zealand, they can still be a nuisance to pack and pretty expensive. I’d suggest investing in a silicone menstrual cup and some reusable sanitary cloths. It’ll save you some pennies as well as helping the environment. 

Shampoos, conditioners, soaps etc can all be bought. Of course, if you have your favourites and are headed to the middle of nowhere with space in your bag, then why not? But overall, anything you don’t pack will definitely be available somewhere! A great way of helping the environment and saving some space in your luggage is to grab yourself some shampoo, conditioner & soap bars. They last twice as long and take up far less space. 


Ok, anything extra that you can fit in your luggage is completely up to you. For backpacking, I wouldn’t suggest packing any electrical hair appliances. More often than not, if you have long hair you’ll just want to scrape it away from your face to keep it out of the way! If you’re a fan of makeup, I’d keep that light too.

Don’t forget your glasses or contact lenses if you wear those, sunglasses, hand sanitiser and maybe a little first aid kit! 

Ok there we go, a general guide on What To Pack for New Zealand! If you need a more comprehensive checklist for backpacking specifically, drop a comment and let me know!


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