Why Travel to Thailand?

Thailand, The Land of Smiles, as they say, is a destination on most travellers’ bucket lists! Picturesque islands, hot weather, fantastic food… sounds like paradise doesn’t it? What else could you want? 

But what is it that makes this country so special and why should you travel to Thailand?

Culture & People 

If you’re coming from the western world, be prepared for a bit of a culture shock! Thailand is primarily a Buddhist country with infusions of Chinese and Animism beliefs, making it different to most Buddhist countries. The culture is very traditional with strong core family values. 

You will notice whenever you enter establishments in Thailand, people will place their hands together in a prayer motion and bow their heads as a form of greeting. This is called the wai. It is the traditional form of greeting and a sign of respect which is demonstrated by the height at which the hands are held together. There are quite a few taboos in Thailand which are deemed as disrespectful such as pointing, touching someone’s head and pointing with your feet or having your feet pointing towards people when seated (I will do a more in-depth article about this). 


Thailand is absolutely loaded with epic landscapes both on land and out at sea. When you first think of Thailand what comes to mind? The Loud, busy, vibrant city of Bangkok? Tuk-tuks? Alluring Night Markets? I’m sure most people (specifically around my age haha) will think back to the film ‘The Beach’. You know, The one based on Alex Garland’s book of the same name. The one with Leonardo Di’caprio basically selling us this remote paradise ideal and idyllic island lifestyle. Yeah, that one. The island, in particular, is called Koh Phi Phi Lee, situated in Krabi. There was once a time when you could visit but unfortunately due to the rapid incline of tourism and environmental issues, officials made the executive decision to close the island temporarily until 2021 so it can restore itself to its previous natural, finer glory. Overall, Thailand is definitely a country where you can absolutely get lost in its scenery, whether you’re after intricately designed temples, endless green rice fields, beaches or city skylines, Thailand has it all. 


The number one activity on most traveller’s lists is to simply find a blissful island and sunbathe all day but if you’re not a fan of lying on the beach, soaking up the sun, then what else is there for you to do in Thailand? The answer is LOTS.

Why not treat yourself to a day of my personal favourite - scuba diving! There is so much beauty hidden under the sea, various marine life and gorgeous tropical coral to feast your eyes upon. There are many places to go scuba diving in Thailand and it doesn’t always have to be on an island far, far away. But I would recommend doing some research because a lot of places do become overloaded with tourists which can, in turn, affect the health of local marine life.

Another thing Thailand is famous for are elephants! Chiang Mai, especially, has several sanctuaries where you can feed the elephants, bathe them and even volunteer to help look after them. Again, it’s important to do your research on where to volunteer to ensure the practice is ethical and has no riding involved.

Or maybe visiting the monkeys is more your thing? There are so many places to enjoy the company of monkeys, I personally came into contact with quite a few on Koh Chang! Just a warning though, they can be mischievous for sure. Or maybe you’d like to volunteer at a dog shelter? Thailand, unfortunately, does have a high stray dog problem. These neglected dogs, often called street dogs or soi dogs, are sadly growing in numbers but there are some organisations out there which you can donate to.

Or you know what, maybe animals, in general, isn’t your thing! So why not check out some other activities like quad biking, zip-lining, bungee jumping, trekking, cultural dance shows and the endless amounts of shopping markets and malls available up and down the country. 

So there you go, just a few reasons to pack your bags and go explore the cultural delights of Thailand. 

Just a little tip - I wouldn’t pack a suitcase unless you are planning a resort holiday and being taken straight to the resort. The pavements are not necessarily pavements in Thailand! People ride their motorbikes up them and they can be dangerously uneven, most people tend to find it easier to just walk in the road. Do yourself a favour and pack a bag instead!


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