Why Travel to Vietnam?

Vietnam is definitely a travel favourite, topping the list for many with its abundance of beautiful landscapes, delicious food and fascinating history. To picture Vietnam all you need to do is imagine luscious green forests, natural waterfalls, endless rice fields and of course, the iconic Vietnamese conical hat - nón lá (leaf hat)! But what is it that makes this country so special and why should you travel to Vietnam?


A lot of tourists travel to Vietnam to learn more about the famous, extremely long and costly Vietnam War. There are films, books and even documentaries completely dedicated to this moment in recent history and I say ‘recent’ as it only started in 1955, lasting a torturously long 20 years before finally ending in 1975. Despite this traumatic period in time, Vietnam still continues to be a strong, hardworking and proud country, which is reflected every day within its people! 

The Vietnamese are primarily Buddhist but with Chinese, Christian and animist influences, therefore, it's important to respect the culture and dress appropriately at all times. When visiting temples or other significant establishments it’s best to dress conservatively, making sure that your arms and legs are covered. Shoes must be taken off before entering anyone’s home and try to not have your feet pointing at anybody else or at any altars. If lucky enough to be able to explore local villages, please ask permission before getting your phone/camera out. A lot of people may shy away or even feel disrespected to a certain degree. 

The Vietnamese celebrate a number of different festivals where the streets come alive - if they weren’t enough already! Bursting at the seams with vibrant colours and traditional lanterns, you’ll get to experience lasting smiles and exotic cuisine. 


Vietnam is arguably one of the most picturesque countries within Southeast Asia, if not the world. Trust me, it's definitely up there! Whether you enjoy chilling at the beach, exploring rivers and lakes, getting lost within the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the cities (watch out for the motorbikes!) or simply cruising through the emerald countryside - Vietnam has literally got it all. Make sure to add Ha Long Bay in particular to your itinerary, the epic limestone formations with miniature rainforests on top and deep mysterious caves underneath, are sure to have you believing you just stepped into complete paradise. 


Vietnam is definitely not short of activities, so much so, that you may even wish to extend your trip! The main cities have enough activities in themselves but the most popular ones include scuba diving, trekking, kayaking, visiting the tailors for handmade garments, motorcycle tours, exploring the Chu Chi tunnels, river cruises, cooking classes, museums, traditional spas and lots, lots more!

Feeling ready to book a flight and hotfoot it straight to Vietnam?

Well, I hope you found this snapshot guide helpful and just to let you know, January, in particular, is a very cold month here. I had to buy a coat as soon as I touched down in Hanoi as I was positively freezing and extremely ill-prepared coming directly from Thailand!

But hey, that’s a story for another day... 


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