Why Travel to Cambodia?

Cambodia - home to some of the greatest ancient temples in the world and a country that is definitely not one to be missed. This charming, rich slice of culture attracts millions of visitors every year and it isn’t difficult to see why. 

But what is it that makes this country so special and why should you travel to Cambodia?

Culture & People 

Bursting with various forms of art, architecture and Khmer cuisine, Cambodia truly does have a lot to offer the senses! The smiling faces of the welcoming Khmer people (natives of Cambodia) are the beating heart of this magical country and will likely be some of the nicest people you will ever meet.

The Kingdom of Cambodia is officially a Buddhist country, it is considered respectful and polite to be appropriately dressed at all times e.g. wearing clothes that cover both the shoulders and legs, especially when entering temples or other establishments of importance. The Khmer are conservative people, so it is best to respect their culture and do the same.

Buddhism is strongly interwoven throughout daily life in Cambodia which is highlighted by the hierarchical tendencies, traditions and rituals. Khmer people will greet each other by performing the Sampeah (holding their hands together in a prayer-like motion and slightly bowing the head). The highest part of the body, the head, is believed to contain the soul of a person and the feet, the lowest part, are thought to be impure. So much like other denominations within Buddhism, the head must be avoided as well as any pointing with the feet. 

Much like its neighbouring countries, the Cambodian way of life is infused with the vibrant, fast-paced city action and the slowed down, chilled vibes of both the countryside and nearby islands. However, the progressive Kingdom of Cambodia also carries with it a dark and devastatingly haunting past.

In 1975-79, the Khmer Rouge carried out the Cambodian genocide under Pol Pot’s leadership, the effects of which are still prominent today. Nevertheless, even with the memories of such a recent tragedy, the Khmer people continue to do their best to keep smiling, stay grateful and keep moving forward in life. 


In a country where ancient meets modern, Cambodia’s scenery speaks for itself! The bustling, energetic city of Phnom Penh is the nation's capital, so why not bask in the sights by walking along the riverfront, taking a nighttime cruise or visiting the markets? Of course, the number one reason why most tourists flock to Cambodia is for the ancient temples of Siem Reap. Make sure your camera/phone is well charged, you’ll definitely want to take a lot of pictures here!

Or if you are hoping for sandy beaches and crystal waters, head to Sihanoukville and/or the neighbouring islands! And if it’s vast amounts of countryside you’re after, then the scenic riverside city of Kampot (and everywhere in between) is the place to be. 


Well, apart from the obvious amounts of temple viewing available, there are a lot of things to do in Cambodia for backpackers, holidaymakers and families alike! Here are just a few - 

In Phnom Penh, you can visit the Royal Palace, The Killing Fields, The National Museum of Cambodia, The Independence Monument, indoor markets, night markets, the slums and various restaurants etc.

In Siem Reap you can visit the Temples of Angkor, various night & day markets, Pub Street, go zip lining and explore The Floating village etc.

Enjoy a chilli walking tour and tasting session in Kampot, fresh seafood in Kep, or why not go scuba diving on the islands? There is also trekking, kayaking, cycling, cruising etc. the list goes on! 

There you go guys, I hope that this little insight was helpful to you. Definitely don’t hold out on Cambodia!


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